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RIOT 0.4.1

[下載教學] riot_2010-05-01_01a 圖片減肥工具–Radical Image Optimization Tool(簡稱 RIOT),可以將各式各樣圖片檔的「大小」最佳化後輸出為JPG、GIF、PNG格式,還有指定大小的壓縮功能(Compress to size),對於加快網頁讀取的速度,或者,應付有大小限制的圖片上傳是很有幫助的。 Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize. It uses with a side by side (dual view) or single view interface to compare the original with the optimized image in real time and instantly see the resulting file size. It is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users. You will be able to control compression, number of colors, metadata settings and much more, and select image format (JPG, GIF or PNG) for your output file. 改版訊息: v.0.4.1 - fixed some issues with the external PNG optimizer implementation (replace {IMAGE_FILE} parameter is done only once. fixed; a custom PNG is not remembered at program restart. fixed; delete/configure buttons should not be disabled after adding an external optimizer. fixed; modifying an external optimizer name creates orphan records. fixed. added checks for duplicate tool names; scripts as external optimizersnot working out-of-the-box. fixed) - bugfix: "Remove selected" button from batch mode disables when a multiple selection is made with the mouse. The keyboard selection worked. Fixed ! - fixed some issue related to automatic preview mode disabled. - Preview button now disabled when "AUtomatic preview" is on - improved performance of conversion functions from transparent indexed images - changed shortcuts for "Fit in window" ( now / ) and "Actual size" (now * ). These simpler ones should increase productivity - changed batch settings by adding an "Apply" button. to be more intuitive - fixed an unwanted behavior with selecting and option without actualy putting a check next to it, which causes that option to apply. - modified an error message to specify that both dimensions are required for batch resize [教學] Source
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