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HttpWatch Basic Edition 7.0.22




[2008.12.14] Pingdom Tools,這個網站也可以線上測出網站中詳細的讀取速度。

HttpWatch is used in a wide variety of companies and industries for tasks such as:

* Testing a web application to ensure that it is correctly issuing or setting headers that control page expiration
* Finding out how other sites work and how they implement certain features
* Checking the information that the browser is supplying when you visit a site
* Verifying that a secure web site is not issuing sensitive data in cookies or headers
* Tuning the performance of a web site by measuring download times, caching or the number of network round trips
* Learning about how HTTP works (useful for programming and web design classes)
* Alowing webmasters to fine tune the caching of images and other content
* Performing regression testing on production servers to verify performance and correct behavior

Version 7.0.22 – 15 Jun 2010
* Improved: Added a ‘Using Ruby’ section to the HttpWatch Automation Reference help file
* Fixed: Corrected typos and broken links in help files
* Fixed: An error message is no longer displayed by HttpWatch when nesting Firefox within a tab using the URL ‘chrome://browser/content/browser.xul’


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