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Defraggler 1.21.209 免安裝中文版 (2010.08.04)

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免費磁碟重組工具–Defraggler,與CCleaner同公司出品,跟其他同類型軟體最大的不同就是:可以針對某個資料夾或檔案進行重組(例如:搜尋大於1000MB的檔案再對它進行重組),重組速度也滿快的!另外,可以設定重組後自動關機,針對指定分割區設定自動重組排程。阿榮)(Sorl推薦) 阿榮評語: [2010.05.25] 感謝讀者「融阿融™」通知改版訊息。 [2010.08.04] 修正阿榮版沒預設顯示中文的問題。 It differs from other defrag tools on the market, by enabling you to quickly and simply defra組g the files you want to, without having to process the whole drive. Simply run it, select the file and defragment in seconds. No more struggling with the Windows defragmentation tool! 更新訊息: v1.21.209 (02 Aug 2010) - Added Free Space defrag to the command-line app. - Internal library updates. - 64-bit compiler optimizations. - Fixed the flicker on the main window tabs. - Changed internal links to piriform.com/defraggler. - Improvements to translations. 下載連結→ [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] [FreakShare] SHA1:4cf831eef621ca0e1c805e8ea46ce59e9bbf825d
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