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ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7 and 8 (Windows 7 Codecs) 4.2.8 – 取代K-Lite的影音編碼包


讓Windows 7/8內建的Windows Media Player可以播放所有格式的影片 - ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7 and 8(舊名:Windows 7 Codecs),作業系統內建的Windows Media Player不支援副檔名為RM、MOV或MKV的影片檔,安裝完這個解碼包後便可以支援,不用再額外購買昂貴的影音播放軟體!支援的格式有:AMR、MPC、OFR、Divx、MKA、APE、Flac、EVO、FLV、M4B、MKV、OGG、OGV、OGM、RMVB、Xvid...。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.04.05] 此軟體僅限於Windows 7 32/64位元執行,不支援Windows XP!
[2012.09.26] 感謝讀者「錦宏」通知改版訊息。
[2013.06.04] 4.1.4版起由「Windows 7 Codecs」改名為「ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7 and 8」。

The following filetypes are enabled and SUPPORTED by the installation of Shark's Codec Solutions.
amr | mpc | ofr | divx | mka | ape | flac | evo | flv | m4b | mkv | ogg | ogv | ogm | rmvb | xvid
All of the above filetypes can be queued to the Windows Media Player Playlist using a right-click.



下載連結→ [按此下載安裝版]

安裝版 [4.2.8] [4.2.7] [4.2.6] [4.2.5] [4.2.4] [4.2.3] [4.2.2] [4.2.1] [4.2.0] [4.1.9] [4.1.8] [4.1.7] [4.1.6] [4.1.5] [4.1.4] [4.1.3] [4.1.2] [4.1.1] [4.1.0] [4.0.9] [4.0.8] [4.0.7] [4.0.6]

Source: azofreeware.com


Disney Plus