CPD/ PDU Seminar Series: Part I : Navigating the Financial World by Mega-Trends
Date: 9 February 2009 (MON)
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Speaker: Mr. Jack Tsang
Seats: 35 (first come first serve basis)
Fee: HK$200
**if members bring guests to join, fees will be waived for both members and guests
Eligible for 1.5 CPD and CPT
The financial tsunami has battered the entire world. So much, that it raises an alarm to financial practitioners. By the theory of "Survival of the Fittest", are you going to quit What actions should you be taking to make a difference It is our honor to have invited Mr. Jack Tsang, President of AAFM Hong Kong, to share with us the mega trends in today's unclear financial world and how to plan in the coming year ahead.
More at http://www.kornerstone.com.hk/ournews.htm#hot3
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