免費軟體移除工具 - IObit Uninstaller,功能類似Revo Uninstaller,一樣可以在移除軟體後掃描殘留的檔案及登錄檔,是單一執行檔的程式、可以一次勾選多個程式來進行移除、可以暴力刪除程式(Forced Uninstall),貼心的程式分類:工具列(Toolbars)、最近安裝(Recently Installed)、大程式(Large Programs)、很少使用(Rarely Used)、微軟更新(Windows Updates),可以提供移除程式時的參考,另外,還有移除的記錄檔可供查詢在哪一天移除什麼軟體。(阿榮)(下載)
[2011.09.08] 2.0版內建簡體中文語系。
[2011.12.12] 2.1版起內建繁體中文語系。
C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataIObitAdvanced Uninsatallerlog
IObit Uninstaller helps you uninstall and remove unwanted programs and folders from your computer fast and easily. Where the built-in and sluggish “Windows Add or Remove Programs” option fails, IObit Uninstaller works as always and picks up the slack. What's better, it is a free Uninstaller without installation.
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Source: azofreeware.com