方便免安裝的PDF檔分割軟體 - SepPDF,把PDF檔案拖放到軟體主介面,再按下「Split(All)」就可以把多頁的PDF檔分割成一頁一個檔案,若是使用「Split(Page etc Input)」,則是可以指定要切割出來的範圍,從第幾頁到第幾頁要分割成一頁一個檔案由你自由決定!(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
You can split PDF file containing multiple pages into individualized single PDF files for each page. If you want to split PDF file, drag & drop it and push "Split(All)" button. You can also select the page range you wish to split. Some PDF files with security can be splitted.
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Source: azofreeware.com