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PlayTime 1.3.9 免安裝版 – 影片長度及影音規格檢查軟體


取代MediaInfo的影音檔規格檢查軟體 - PlayTime,採用MediaInfo為核心,只要把影音檔拖放到軟體主介面,就可以檢測出影片長度、音樂長度、大小、格式、影音位元率、影音編碼...等資訊,介面簡單好用。(阿榮)(下載

Quickly calculate the total play time of a list of most any music or movie file. That was the original request. Due to further user requests, PlayTime has since been expanded to be a fairly complete front-end for the MediaInfo library.

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免安裝版 [1.3.9] [1.3.8] [] [] []

Source: azofreeware.com

