電子書管理軟體 - Calibre,除了可以開啟大多數格式的電子書之外,還具有搜尋下載免費或付費電子書、電子書格式轉檔(可將電子書轉成PDF檔)、電子書閱讀設備同步...等功能,可以開啟的格式包含:LRF、RAR、ZIP、RTF、LIT、TXT、TXTZ、TEXT、HTM、XHTM、HTML、HTMLZ、XHTML、PDF、PDB、UPDB、PDR、PRC、MOBI、EPUB、FB2、DJV、DJVU、LRX、AZW、AZW1、AZW3、AZW4、TPZ、SNB、CBC、CBR、CBZ、ODT、DOC、DOCX...等等。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Calibre Portable is an ebook library manager. It can view, convert and catalog ebooks in most of the major ebook formats. It can also talk to many ebook reader devices. It can go out to the Internet and fetch metadata for your books. It can download newspapers and convert them into ebooks for convenient reading. It is cross platform, running on Linux, Windows and OS X.
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免安裝版 [1.37.0]
安裝版 [1.37.0]
Source: azofreeware.com
Category: 4 檔案工具, 4.1 檔案管理, [多國語系], [支援W7], [支援W8], [新進軟體], [繁體中文], 免安裝, 免費軟體