限制電腦不能使用哪些軟體或遊戲 - AskAdmin,利用修改電腦系統設定的方法(群組原則、登錄檔),來讓電腦無法使用指定的程式,只要將捷徑拖放到軟體主介面,或者用加入檔案的方式指定主程式後,「狀態」欄位是打勾的,就完成設定可以關閉軟體了!清單中的軟體將會無法執行,而且,就算是被限制的軟體重新命名或變更路徑都無效!(因為是使用Hash演算法)程式是可攜式的,可以存放於USB隨身碟,也可以設定程式密碼,或依使用者來限制存取。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
系統需求:Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
AskAdmin is a quick and practical solution to restrict a Application , ideal for those who have small children or for Computer used in business , In a few seconds and in a simple way you can block any program installed on your computer such as Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Skype or bat,cmd,reg… data…etc , The program have a password to prevent blocked programs are easily unlocked by any user . AskAdmin is a Portable (standalone) Application designed to run on a compatible computer without being installed and it does not leave its files or settings on the host computer , if you want to Uninstall AskAdmin , Just delete it.
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Source: azofreeware.com