《Sniper Elite VR》系列跨入虛擬現實領域的七大關鍵   完美世界蕭泓:疫情將會激發電競行業新增長   鬼滅之耳機!鬼滅之刃與音響老牌ONKYO聯名!   『仁王2』第二波付費DLC「平安京討魔傳」決定於10月15日開放下載! 於平安時代中期的京都展開全新的戰鬥   《Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered》詳情   Dragon Quest Walk新活動《2020大冒險 找尋傳說中的過年菜》   羅技 新版「G512 機械式遊戲鍵盤」登場!   即將落實的「獎盃」等級變革細節 

Dell XPS Baton PC

I forgot where I receive this picture from but it looks absolutely amazing. A portable tubular design with flexible OLED film rolled up inside. Slide out the film and an electric charge hardens the material, ready for use. Multi-touch screens enhances workflow.
