(POP/STARS – Opening Ceremony Presented by Mastercard | Finals | 2018 World Championship, 來自 League of Legends Youtube Channel)
由來自韓國 (G)I-DLE 的 Miyeon 和 Soyeon,加上Madison Beer、Jaira Burns,共四位歌手為開幕典禮演唱新曲「POP/STARS」。而且更有以AR實境技術製作的K/DA成員阿璃、阿卡莉、伊芙琳以及凱莎在台上勁歌熱舞,氣氛完全HIGH到最高點!
(K/DA – POP/STARS (ft Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) | Official Music Video – League of Legends, 來自League of Legends Youtube Channel)
賽後英雄聯盟官方也公開了K/DA「POP/STARS」的Music Video,短短五天在Youtube的觀看次數已經突破二千萬次了!想必不少人也跟小編一樣瘋狂Loop歌。
正當大家都討論Music Video的時候,你以為就這樣結束了嗎?少年你太天真了!
(K/DA – POP/STARS Dance – Behind the Scenes | League of Legends, 來自League of Legends Youtube Channel)
昨天League of Legends官方Youtube上傳了由Ellen Kim, Bailey Sok,Stevie Doré跟Eileen Harman由四位專業舞者表演的K/DA POP/STARS完整舞蹈,能夠看到開幕典禮跟Music Video都看不到的帥氣舞蹈!而副歌部份則與在Music Video中四位英雄角色的舞步相同,就像四位K/DA遊戲角色在影片中一樣勁歌熱舞。
(Mini K/DA dance tutorial, 來自 K/DA elie @RiotVw1vet, 已獲得授權)Here’s that mini tutorial @emaisee and I made on the K/DA recall dance. The recall is a little different the actual choreo but if you just wanted to learn a little bit of it here it is ☺️
Video already mirrored for you learning convenience ✨? pic.twitter.com/TXQtamJdKi
— Elie (@RiotVe1vet) November 7, 2018
此外,今天Twitter也發佈了教學,教導大家POP/STARS一部份副歌的舞步,有興趣的話可到的Elie 的Twitter (@RiotVw1vet)繼續瀏覽。相信已經有不少跳舞愛好者跟Cosplayer也蠢蠢欲動,想要一邊Cosplay一邊跳舞還原Music Video了!小編也忍不著要開始練習了!Down Down Down DOWN DOWN DOWN ♪└|^ω^|┐♪┌|^ω^|┘♪