PlayStation Blog的讀者們,大家好。我是《Resident Evil 4》宣傳活動製作人Edvin Edsö。我們剛剛在今天的State of Play節目中發表《Resident Evil 4》的最新宣傳影片。如果您還沒有看過,請見下方的宣傳影片!
![Leon and Ashley race past a cannon as artillery rains down around them.](
![A close up of Leon.](
![A close up of Krauser.](
![Leon takes aim as enemies, including a robed figure and a tattooed, red-eyed hatchet wielder, advance.](
![Leon looks on as a helicopter’s spotlight is trained on him.](
![Ashley hides behind a bookcase as an ominous figure walks past on its other side.](
![Leon peers through his rifle scope, aiming for a robed figure approaching Ashley, who is focused on turning a wheel.](
![A close up of Ashley..](
里昂會在《Resident Evil 4重製版》遇到什麼樣的挑戰呢?
除了先睹為快里昂與克勞瑟的對決之外,宣傳影片也正式宣布傭兵模式的回歸!《Resident Evil》系列中深受玩家喜愛的額外遊戲模式也將在《Resident Evil 4》中推出。傭兵模式將會作為發售後免費推出的DLC,我們的團隊正在傾注全力開發中。
最後,我們宣布了即將推出的《Resident Evil 4》體驗版。體驗版將在不久後於PlayStation 4和PlayStation 5推出。「生存只是起點」,請做好遊玩體驗版的準備。
《Resident Evil 4》保存原作精髓,同時引進新穎的遊戲體驗和視覺效果。