《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  世界最大遊戲盛典「E3」確定線上化!   KOFXV公測!名古屋「コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA」現場報導!   David Goyer談論改編《基地》在Apple TV+ 播出   《House of Ashes》– 將恐怖音效變得栩栩如生   IKEA × ROG電競家具將於4月29日在日本開賣!   超現實敘事冒險遊戲《Where the Heart Leads》於7月13日在PS4、PS5發行   《GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-》發售前發布showcase!公開首次曝光影片與時間表!   「被囚禁的帕爾馬」系列將於情人節促銷活動中最大51%OFF折扣! 

New Yahoo Look

FireShot capture #16 - 'Yahoo!' - m_www_yahoo_com If you want to take a look at the new yahoo look, go to http://m.www.yahoo.com/. Basically, it has more social networking feature you could add on the left hand side menu and look more like web 2.0 layout with AJAX technology.

