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sfd09logo_mclimeorangeblend_sun_bvlshdw 今年九月十九日是國際性的香港自由軟件日,香港共享創意是合辦機構之一,也會在「自由軟件與教育」的講座中介紹共享創意最新的動向。 日期: 九月十九日(星期六) 時間: 下午二時至七時 地點: 香港城市大學四樓,LT-3、Y4701和Y4702室 語言: 廣東話或英文 入場費全免。 官方圍紀網站: http://wiki.opensource.hk/index.php/Software_Freedom_Day_2009%2C_Hong_Kong 國際自由軟件日網站: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/teams/hongkong 請於 http://bit.ly/registersfd09hk 登記,並在Facebook上宣傳自由軟件日。 詳情: A. Technology Track (Lecture Theatre LT-3): - Enterprise-class open source virtualization from the server to the desktop. - Development with Android. - JavaFX - Free and Open Source RIA for Mobile, TV and Desktop. - The Apache Way. - GGG Project. B. Community Track (Classroom Y4701): - Open source developers from Hong Kong. - Incubating Open Source Communities. - Free HK Bloggers with Wordpress. C. Application Track (Classroom Y4702): - A Startup Case Study of Open Source Software. - Uses of OSS in Internet Radio. - Free/Open Source in Education. Organisor: Opensource Application Knowledge Association (OAKA) Gold Sponsor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sponsors: CWLinux Limited, HKDay Limited. Wifi Sponsor: FON Hong Kong. Co-Organisors: Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong Creative Commons Hong Kong Debian HK Embedded Linux Interest Group MobileRadio.HK Software Freedom International (SFI) Supporting Organisations: Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) Hong Kong Linux Industry Association (HKLIA) Aims of Software Freedom Day 2009, Hong Kong are:
  1. Introduction and promotion of local open-source software projects and developers in Hong Kong. (介紹及推廣香港本地開源軟件開發計劃與開發者)
  2. Communication with end-users, and promotion of OSS to end-users. (接觸普羅大眾, 推廣免費或開源軟件應用)
  3. Promotion of Software Freedom and Open Source culture, and difference. (推廣軟件自由與開源文化, 解釋兩者分別)
  4. Introduction of free-of-charge or open-source software in different category. (介紹不同常用類別的免費或開源軟件)


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