《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  終於迎來最終戰!明星大亂鬥SP「2021 線上挑戰」第5戰 12月11日(六)登場!   《Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach》首支實機遊玩影片公開   《Jurassic World Evolution 2》:探索模擬管理的新時代   Bandai Namco發表新LOGO 未來將轉用新的標誌   「Gran Saga」正式上線!已獲得App Store排行榜第1位!   《貓咪大戰爭》Q周年紀念活動第1彈11月15日開始!   為你介紹《Arcadegeddon》已於今日開放搶先體驗   《審判之逝》裡的經典Sega遊戲 

蘋果日報 FREE to PAID

FireShot capture Appledaily finally goes from FREE to PAID content. When you click on the news, it will direct to to the content where saying you need to login to see and it will deduct certain point of your credit account. As far as I know, it is free registration with 50 points. After that, you will need to pay for each point.

