從筆刷到劍刃:《Ghost of Tsushima》的概念藝術揭密   日本遊戲大賞 2020「集合啦 動物森友會 開發團隊」獲得日本經濟產業大臣獎!   PS4系統軟件更新8.00今日釋出   Dragon Quest Walk新活動《2020大冒險 找尋傳說中的過年菜》   「 Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020」的「亞洲-東大會1」11部比賽影片在官方YouTube頻道公開!   「動物之鬪」追加新角色「搖曳長貓」!   日本CAPCOM因新型冠狀病毒影響開始在家工作   UNIQLO與MINECRAFT合作 推出系列T-Shirt! 

蘋果日報 FREE to PAID

Appledaily finally goes from FREE to PAID content. When you click on the news, it will direct to to the content where saying you need to login to see and it will deduct certain point of your credit account. As far as I know, it is free registration with 50 points. After that, you will need to pay for each point.
