[2007.07.16] 阿榮自製[ImgBurn 設定教學]:多片燒錄時自動退出光碟、縮短下一片等待時間
[2007.08.24] 阿榮自製[ImgBurn 設定教學]:每次燒錄或製作影像檔都自動退出光碟
[2007.09.11] 從 版釋出用到目前為止,發現兩個大問題,其一:排程燒錄有時進行到某個影像檔時會讀取失敗,其二:一開始燒錄便讀取影像檔失敗,總之,讀取影像檔失敗導致無法燒錄是目前會偶發的問題,如果有這問題,重新開機便能夠恢復正常,已將問反應給作者,希望下個版本能解決這個問題。
1)新增:下拉選單【Tools】→【Create CD CUE File】功能,可以利用此功能備份音樂光碟,以及用 CUE 檔來燒錄音樂光碟。
[2009.04.12] 感謝中文化作者Hulen(破滅刃)提供最新版中文化作品。
[2009.07.30] 版起已改為 Portable(可攜式) 版。
[2010.09.09] 感謝中文化作者Hulen(破滅刃)提供最新官方版中文化作品,本站搶先官方釋出。
ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!
It has several 'Modes', each one for performing a different task:
* Read - Read a disc to an image file
* Build - Create an image file from files on your computer or network - or you can write the files directly to a disc
* Write - Write an image file to a disc
* Verify - Check a disc is 100% readable. Optionally, you can also have ImgBurn compare it against a given image file to ensure the actual data is correct
* Discovery - Put your drive / media to the test! Used in combination with DVDInfoPro, you can check the quality of the burns your drive is producing
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