密碼監聽工具–SniffPass,按下「開始擷取」按鈕,就可以監聽本機及區域網路所傳送的密碼,並立即顯示出來,其運作原理是 - 擷取透過你的網路卡傳送出去的密碼,支援下列通訊協定:POP3、IMAP4、SMTP、FTP、HTTP(基本認證密碼),可以用它來監聽 Web、FTP、Email 密碼,以便重新取得遺忘的密碼。(阿榮)
SniffPass is small freeware utility that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, and display them on the screen instantly. SniffPass can capture the passwords of the following Protocols: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP (basic authentication passwords).
You can use this utility to recover lost Web/FTP/Email passwords.
Version 1.12:
* Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
* Removed the 'Refresh' menu item, which was not functional.
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