《Destruction AllStars》2021年2月登陸PlayStation Plus   鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 有聲LINE Sticker登場   《Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales》將於本週登陸PS4和PS5   碧藍幻想 x 鬼滅之刃 聯乘活動舉辦日期決定!   台灣三創ROG體驗店推出獨一無二的「ROG 潮限定客製噴印」活動   PlayStation全球品牌形象廣告帶玩家超越「邊際」探索新世界   可以親眼見到1比1真人尺寸萊莎與伊織萌!等身大萊莎Figure揭幕會來了!   Riot Games宣布《VALORANT特戰英豪》正式上市6月2日全球同步發行 

Life’s for sharing (T-Mobile Commercial) Saatchi & Saatchi

These guys suddenly start dancing in the terminal. It starts with few of them and becoming hundred of them. This is a pretty amazing advertisement to arrange such a large amount of people and the crowd starts to dance due to the atmosphere.
