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FreeFileSync 3.8 免安裝中文版


1. 目前僅有簡體中文語系,但可以正常顯示,歡迎提供繁化作品。
2. 感謝讀者「Andy Wang」與「Paddy Yang」同時提供 2.2 版中文化作品,經比較後,採用「Paddy Yang」的繁化作品。
3. 感謝讀者「123999999」提供語系國旗更新檔(19:05)。
[2009.09.30] 2.3 版官方已新增繁體中文語系及國旗,改為發布官方中文版。
[2010.03.05] 3.4 版程式架構有修改,使用前請刪除舊版。

FreeFileSync is an Open-Source folder comparison and synchronization tool.
1. Choose left and right directories and “Compare” them.
2. Select synchronization settings and press “Synchronize…” to begin synchronization.

Changelog v3.8
New options handling Symlinks: ignore/direct/follow => warning: new database format for mode
Fixed crash when starting sync for Windows XP SP2
Prevent tooltip from stealing focus
Show associated file icons (Linux)
Run folder existence checks in separate thread (faster network share access)
Write mode database file even if both sides are already in sync
Don’t raise status dialog to the top after synchronisation
Embedded version information into executable (Windows)
Migrated Compiler to Visual C++ 2010 (Windows)
Avoid losing manual changes when excluding via context menu
Updated translation files


32位元下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace]

64位元下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace]
