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Rainlendar Lite 2.7 免安裝中文版

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Rainlendar桌面行事曆,可以當成行事曆使用、記錄待辦事項,建立多重的行事曆帳號,還可以將Outlook的待辦事項(*.ics)匯入,方便於將待辦事項交給沒有使用Outlook的使用者,安裝後附著於桌面,可以更換面板、改變位置。(阿榮)( 阿榮評語: [2009.08.23] 上次更新:2009/2/23。 Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that is easy to use and doesn't take much space on your desktop. The application is platform independent so you can run it both on Windows and on Linux. The appearance can be customized with skins and you can even mix different skins together. It is possible to use Rainlendar with other calendar applications too. Rainlendar uses the standard iCalendar format to store its events and tasks so you can easily transfer them between applications. 教學:[小技巧] [更換面板] [語系切換] [面板] [台灣國定假日日曆] [農曆日曆] 安裝版下載連結→ [FreakShare] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:bc6deb96ba3385a047ffd317094a85933983c1ca 免安裝版下載連結→ [FreakShare] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:3795f204d66967f7b54e322bc604b15ce1dbce02
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