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BrowsingHistoryView 1.42 免安裝中文版 – 瀏覽器瀏覽記錄檢視器


查看瀏覽器的瀏覽記錄 - BrowsingHistoryView,雖然各種瀏覽器都有調閱瀏覽網頁記錄的功能,但只要開啟這個小軟體就可以一次檢查所有瀏覽器的網頁瀏覽記錄,支援Internet Explorer、Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome、Safari瀏覽器,可以查看瀏覽的網址、網頁標題、瀏覽時間、瀏覽次數...等資料。(阿榮)(下載

BrowsingHistoryView is a utility that reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.



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Source: azofreeware.com


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