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System Explorer 免安裝中文版 – 取代工作管理員


系統管理診斷軟體 - System Explorer,可以取代Windows內建工作管理員,它有好用的特殊功能可以協助電腦的病毒檢測:安全檢查(Security Scan)功能可以將系統檔案送交雲端檢測(exe/dll/sys),發現可疑的處理程序可以上傳SystemExplorer.netVirusTotal網站進行分析或掃毒,還有管理自動執行程式、監視網路動態...等功能頁。(阿榮)(下載

System Explorer Portable is free, awards winning software for exploration and management of System Internals.
- Detailed information about Tasks, Processes, Modules, Startups, IE Addons, Uninstallers, Windows, Services, Drivers, Connections and Opened Files.
- Easy check of suspicious files via VirusTotal, Jotti service or our File Database.
- Easy monitoring of processes activities and System changes.
- Usage graphs of important System resources.
- Tray Hint with detailed System and Battery status
- WMI Browser and System Additional Info
- Multilanguage Support

關鍵字:System Explorer Portable



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免安裝版 [4.5.0] [4.2.2]
安裝版 [4.5.0] [4.2.2]

Source: azofreeware.com


Disney Plus