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Wise Data Recovery 3.43 免安裝中文版 – 免費圖片檔案還原軟體


檔案還原軟體 - Wise Data Recovery,你有沒有誤刪檔案的經驗?其實檔案即使從資源回收筒刪除了,還是有機會救回來的!這個軟體可以快速掃描硬碟分割區,並用關鍵字去搜尋想要還原的檔案,並有貼心的「可復原性」資訊可供參考,支援Word、Excel、TXT、JPG、PNG、GIF、EML...等影音或文件檔,也支援隨身碟、iPod、MP3播放器等設備的檔案救援。(阿榮)(下載

Wise Data Recovery Portable(WDR): A light, fast and free deleted file recovery tool - can easily recover lost data from hard disk and removable drive.
- Totally free of charge
- Recover documents such as word, excel, txt etc.
- Recover photo/image, such as .jpg, .png, .gif etc.
- Recover email file, such as .eml
- Recover other data such as audio, video, archive
- Recover data from removable drive, such as ipod, mp3 player etc.
- Show explicit status of the data to be recovered

[官方載點] 關鍵字:WiseDataRecovery

※支援的作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32/64位元)

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

免安裝版 [3.43] [3.41] [3.39] [3.38] [3.37] [3.36] [3.35] [3.19]
安裝版 [3.43] [3.41] [3.39] [3.38] [3.37] [3.36] [3.35] [3.19]

Source: azofreeware.com

