把FTP變成網路磁碟機 - NetDrive,讓你存取FTP就像是開啟本地磁區一樣方便!連FTP軟體也幫你省下來了,還有個妙用就是可以利用這個來搭配同步軟體,進而將檔案備份到FTP伺服器,只是傳檔速度就無法跟本地端一樣快就是了。(阿榮)(下載)
With NetDrive, managing your remote FTP and WebDAV servers will be as easy as any old file folders on your PC.
Once you mount the local drive, you don't need to run an application or an FTP client interface but a simple drag-and-drop in your Windows Explorer will be sufficient to transfer and manage files.
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免安裝版 [2.0.5] [1.3.4]
Source: azofreeware.com