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RJ TextEd 8.80 免安裝中文版 – 取代UltraEdit的免費文字編輯器


取代UltraEdit的免費文字編輯器 - RJ TextEd,雖然「Notepad++」已經很強大!但是卻無法很方便的像UltraEdit一樣取代某個資料夾中所有檔案的某個片段或程式碼(如:取代整段HTML原始碼),而此軟體的【搜尋】→【取代】功能卻辦到了!(阿榮)(下載

[2012.03.02] 7.90版免安裝中文版搜尋取代功能異常,8.01 免安裝中文版已修正,安裝版功能正常!

RJ TextEd Portable - A Unicode source and text editor. RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates and more. The program also has a dual pane file commander, as well as a (S)FTP client to upload your files. Below is a small list of features available. For a full list check out the features section.

關鍵字:texted, RJTextEd



下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

免安裝版 [8.80] [8.70] [8.65] [8.63] [8.61] [8.60]
安裝版 [8.80] [8.70] [8.65] [8.63] [8.61] [8.60]

Source: azofreeware.com
