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WinMend File Splitter 1.3.3 免安裝版 – 檔案切割合併軟體 不用軟體也能合併


檔案切割合併軟體 - WinMend File Splitter,可以將大檔案切割為多段,檔名為「*.WinmendSp0、*.WinmendSp1...」並自動產生一個BAT檔,可以用來合併檔案,而不需要使用軟體來合併!方便透過Email傳送檔案,或將檔案儲存於USB隨身碟;使用方法:指定來源檔案(Source file)→選擇輸出路徑(Output path)→指定要分割為多少個檔案(Specify number of blocks)或每段分割的檔案大小(Specify block size)→分割(Split)。(阿榮)(Kelvin Lee推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

WinMend File Splitter is a free file splitter and merger. It can split a file into specified number of blocks or at specified unit size, so they can be easily attached to an email, or stored in a removable device such as USB drive, floppy disk, MP3, MP4, and mobile phone. It can also be used to merge files. It can merge split files in the same directory back into a new file identical to the original one. With advanced algorithms and clean and simple interface, WinMend File Splitter can help you get done tasks quickly and accurately while ensuring easy and convenient operation. It's a convenient tool that you will never want to miss.


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Source: azofreeware.com

