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Pretty Run 免安裝版 – 用關鍵字快速開啟程式或檔案


用關鍵字快速開啟程式或檔案 - Pretty Run,Windows開始功能表早就擠滿了程式捷徑嗎?一般要開啟一個程式是先找到開始功能表找到小圖示,再開啟要執行的程式,而這個小軟體讓我們只要輸入關鍵字就可以打開程式了!除了可以搜尋開始功能表捷徑之外,還支援IE、Firefox、Chrome瀏覽器我的最愛、印表機、控制台項目、設定網路搜尋引擎、搜尋MP3標籤、一鍵開啟多個程式、手動設定「Magic words」快速開啟程式...等等,以上部分功能需手動設定,可以自己新增要列入索引的資料夾,預設使用鍵盤快速鍵「Win+S」來開啟程式主介面。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Pretty software
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Many times we know we have some program somewhere in the start menu but just takes too much time to locate its icon and run it. Pretty Run helps you with that as it searches start menu, desktop or any other folder for the shortcuts or files that meet your query.
- Search Internet Explorer favorites
- Search Firefox bookmarks
- Search Chrome bookmarks
- Search printers and start printer properties
- Search Control panel items
- Setup internet search engines and you can search internet with selected engine
- Remember last items copied to clipboard and bring them back in case you need them
- Search mp3 files (not file names but tags)
- Run a group of programs with one click
- Setup your magic words and start favorite programs really quickly


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Source: azofreeware.com

Category: 1 系統工具, 1.3 管理操作, [免安裝], [支援W7], [支援W8], [新進軟體], 免費軟體, 捷徑列


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