The Hong Kong Consumer Electronics Alliance (HKCEA) is organizing theseminar of “The IoT Era is Coming” on 22 September 2015. Details are as follows:
Date: 22 September 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30-5:30pm
Venue: Function Room, 1/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, KowloonTong
Language: Cantonese
Guest of Honour: Ir Allen Yeung, Government Chief Information Officer,OGCIO, HKSAR Government
Topics: Internet of Things (& Payment), Smart City (for Elderly), Wearables/Devices
Free Admission.
Registration: http://goo.gl/ootUs1
Programme Rundown:
Details: http://hkcea.org/edm/IOT2015/eDM.html
[email protected]/ (852) 8101 1110
Website: www.hkcea.org