《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  歡迎來到《Knockout City》——世界躲避球大亂鬥之都   2021年PlayStation Black Friday優惠公布   《Resident Evil Village》:有請蒂米特雷斯庫女士的三個女兒   《黑色行動冷戰》和《現代戰域》第五季於8月12日發行   潛入!日本最大車用品「AUTOBACS」大阪與東京的連線電競賽車大賽「AUTOBACS e-Motorsports Experience」   總監野村哲也探討在《FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE》亮相的全新尤菲   《Destruction AllStars》下一波精彩內容: 指定賽事、挑戰系列賽等更新   電玩銀行!?於日本Sony銀行開設帳戶就有機會得到「PlayStation 5」! 

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK 7.0.325.1 – 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK - Allows developers the ability to view/print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. The Editor Simple SDK provides the developer with a set of functions to create a means to View/Print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. Both the GUI design and means of employing the provided functionality is very much left

Source:: azofreeware.com


Disney Plus