《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  PS4®《超級機器人大戰30》將於10月28日發售!介紹5款新參戰作品和遊戲系統的宣傳影片現正公開中!   《地平線:西域禁地》:栩栩如生的世界   SteelSeries超輕量電競滑鼠Aerox 3 2022 Edition登場!   【實測】搭載可自訂多功能觸控板,精巧尺寸華碩電競鍵盤「ROG Falchion」!   本田翼擔任遊戲總指揮!6個月限定遊戲《にょろっこ》正式發表!   《超級炸彈人 R ONLINE》正式上線!與Fall Guys的合作突擊展開!   懷舊磁碟卡搖身一變成為卡片套!「FC磁碟機造型卡套系列」發售!   營運即將開始!官方播出了「NieR Re[in]carnation」的直播節目#1!並提供事前下載! 

Thank you! 亞當飯局

picture-123 It was a great buffet dinner sharing with HK bloggers and thanks for hkdom's arrangement. 2665_55996707822_554272822_1616880_625759_n This is what we called a bloggers wall which stick to the window. 2665_55996682822_554272822_1616876_1374612_n As far as I can see, it got 50 people and I have not got chance to know it all. But it is great to see some familiar faces. 2665_55996492822_554272822_1616842_5230398_n Here you go, people who are interesting in organizing the hkbloggercon with the photo proof.
