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香港電腦學會帶領香港代表團於 APICTA2022 獲6大獎及10優異獎


「APICTA 2022」香港參賽隊伍得獎名單如下(排名據獎項類別英文名稱順序):




優異獎商業服務類別-保安方案PaySmart Capital Limited企業可驗證數碼憑證(CDVC) 
優異獎公營機構及政府類別-政府及市民服務市區重建局 中央智能樓宇監察系統 
優異獎小學及初中學生裘錦秋中學(元朗) Caelus
優異獎高中學生宣道會陳朱素華紀念中學 中風復康輔助配套 
優異獎專上學生香港專業教育學院(沙田分校)Streaming Hub



Category 類別Big Data 大數據
Organization 得獎者Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government 香港特別行政區政府機電工程署
Product 得獎產品Smart City Management – The Regional Digital Control Centre (RDCC) & AI Platform 智慧城市管理-區域數碼監控中心及人工智能平台 
Description 產品簡介In response to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund – The 2nd 5-year Strategic Plan, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) has established the very first RDCC (Regional Digital Control Centre) for E&M digitalisation. The Centre will be responsible for equipment monitoring, indicative alarm for fault responses and energy management, etc. with the ultimate goal to enhance E&M assets’ operational efficiency and environmental performance.     The E&M systems’ status and alarms of various designated and widely dispersed sites are centrally visualized in dashboards at RDCC. Our frontline staffs and engineers are then able to monitor assets at multiple sites remotely and concurrently in centralised dashboards with Daily, Energy and Emergency Modes.    Furthermore, by incorporating transferred Big Data and the digital platform at RDCC, Semantic AI techniques can be deployed to standardize building data from various E&M systems into semantic building models for further Big Data analytics and better building management. Building models for different types of buildings can also be replicated quickly for further machine learning and AI applications.     The RDCC contributes a solid foundation for intelligent digital management of buildings in a city-wide level.     因應機電工程營運基金的第二個五年計劃「機電數碼化」,綜合工程部為機電工程署設立了第一個區域數碼控制中心。中心主要負責遙距實時監控各個機電設備,系統以人工智能及大數據應用作出運作維修提示及能源效益管理。中心亦能透過即時影像監察各個緊急機電設備的狀態及場地現場環境,提升維修人手調配彈性。區域數碼控制中心最終目標為提升機電設備工作上的效率及能源效益表現。    區域數碼控制中心系統介面,會集中展示全港九不同場地的機電系統狀態及警示。前線同事,工程師及管理層能夠在控制中心不同模式的中央介面,例如日常模式、 能源模式、災難模式,同時遙距監察多個場地設施的情況。    此外,項目之大數據數碼平台,亦應用了建築語義人工智能系統,把機電系統以統一的標準進行數碼及語義化,解讀大量建築物的機電運作資料的關聯性。當建立了個別建築物的大數據人工智能分析模型後,便可將該語義模型為基礎,快速地複製至其他建築物,加快人工智能在不同建築物的使用。區域數碼監控中心及人工智能平台方案為城市管理數碼化建立穩固基礎。   
APICTA2022 Winner 大獎得主
Category 類別Industrial – Engineering & Construction 工業類別-工程及建築
Organization 得獎者China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited 中國建築工程(香港)有限公司
Product 得獎產品C-Smart All-in-one Smart Construction Integrated Platform C-Smart智慧工地管理平台
Description 產品簡介The traditional management methods used in the construction industry are unable to achieve refined and effective management. Facing different pain points such as complex construction environment, multiple subcontractors and workers, different machinery vehicles, complicated workflow and management processes, China State Construction (CSHK) has developed C-Smart All-in-one Smart Construction Integrated Platform based on ICT, Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, BIM, and other advanced technologies.    C-Smart provides customised smart construction solutions for the construction site. All captured data are centralised and integrated into a single platform as a Common Data Environment (CDE) for visualisation and analysis. It allows the site to conduct all-round and comprehensive monitoring during the construction project in terms of workers, safety and environment, quality, progress, materials, etc., thereby providing a more transparent and accurate overview for project managers and stakeholders and realise intelligent management and digitalisation of the construction site, leading the digital transformation and upgrading of the industry.    CSHK is bullish on the future of C-Smart and believes it has great potential to be adopted by developers and government departments to transform industry practices.    建築行業傳統的管理方式無法做到精細化、有效化管理。面對施工環境複雜、分判商及工人眾多、機械車輛眾多、工作流程和管理流程複雜等不同痛點,中國建築工程(香港)開發了基於資訊及通訊科技、物聯網、傳感器、人工智能、雲計算、建築信息模擬(BIM)和其他先進技術的「C-Smart智慧工地管理平台」。   C-Smart為工地提供定制化的智能施工解決方案。所有取得的數據都集中並集成到一個平台,作為可視化和分析的共用數據環境(CDE)。該平台可令工地在施工過程中,對工人、安全與環境、品質、進度、工料等進行全方位、全面的監控,從而為項目經理及各持份者提供更透明、更準確的概覽,實現智能化工地管理和數字化,引領行業進行數碼轉型升級。   中國建築工程(香港)看好C-Smart的未來,相信它具有很大的潛力,將被發展商和政府部門採用,以改變行業的一貫運作方式。  
APICTA2022 Winner 大獎得主
Category 類別IoT 物聯網
Organization 得獎者R2C2 Limited 索特機械人有限公司
Product 得獎產品R2C2 ARC R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統
Description 產品簡介R2C2 ARC system (AI-ROBOT-COLLABORATION) is a universal robot control and management platform. The ARC system connects to robots from different manufacturers, providing a seamless experience in robot automation. Users can teleoperate robots, collect visual and sensor data, assign automated robot tasks, deploy AI applications and manage robots’ performance and ROI (Return on Investment) with an intuitive user interface.    R2C2 ARC system supports outdoor robots, including quadrupedal (four-legged robots), drones, underwater robots, and unmanned ground vehicles, which makes the R2C2 ARC system an all-rounded robotic platform for construction and inspection industries. R2C2 ARC system also supports indoor service robots such as delivery, cleansing, and patrol robots. The R2C2 robot API makes integrating robots with any workflow management applications and platform easy.    R2C2 ARC system has been deployed in construction sites, remote geoengineering work sites, public transportation systems, commercial and residential premises to perform patrol, inspection, and predictive maintenance. R2C2 ARC has a rapidly growing application ecosystem in AI inspection and workflow integration. We bring cutting-edge AI solutions and enterprise tools to robot applications.    ​​「R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統」(AI-ROBOT-COLLABORATION,簡稱ARC)是一個通用的機器人控制和管理平台。ARC系統連接到來自不同製造商的機器人,提供機器人自動化的無縫體驗。用戶可以通過直觀的使用者介面遠端操作機器人、收集視覺和感測器數據、分配自動化機器人任務、部署人工智慧應用程式並管理機器人的性能和投資回報率(ROI)。​    ​​「R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統」支援戶外機器人,包括四足機器人、無人機、水下機器人、無人地面車輛等,使​​「R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統」成為建築和檢測行業的全方位機器人平台。系統還支援送貨、清潔、巡邏機器人等室內服務機器人。R2C2機器人API使機器人與任何工作流管理應用程式和平台的集成變得容易。​    ​​「R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統」已於工地、遠程工程工地、公共交通系統,商業與住宅場所中,以進行巡邏、檢查和預測性維護。​​「R2C2人工智能機械人協作系統」在人工智能檢測和工作流程整合方面,擁有快速增長的應用程式生態系統。 我們把尖端的人工智能解決方案和企業工具引入機械人的應用。​   
APICTA2022 Winner 大獎得主
Category 類別R&D 研究及發展
Organization 得獎者FILIX MedTech Limited and Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong 斐歷醫藥科技有限公司及香港高等教育科技學院
Product 得獎產品Chinese Medicine Products Traceability and Verification Platform 中藥產品溯源及驗證平台
Description 產品簡介Depending on the specific use cases, the responsible personnel for each in the supply chain will use our Web-App/Mobile App to capture the information in a batch of the products, like product photos, certification reports and most importantly the NIR spectrum representing the quality of the Chinese Medicine products and saved in the DLT/Blockchain to provide product provenance. At the consumer level, they can also use Web-App/Mobile App to retrieve saved product information and in addition, they can use the same mobile NIR sensor to verify the similarity of the product NIR spectrum fingerprint with standards.    We are delighted to have young talents from THEi whom equipped with industry knowledge in Chinese Medicines and strong passion joining our team. For our latest project, THEi students helped us to develop machine learning models on near-infrared spectroscopy rapid authentication (NIRSRA) of Chinese Medicines. THEi students can also have opportunity to learn technologies like blockchain and computer vision that can help them to become future-ready professionals.     根據不同應用案例,中藥產品供應鏈的負責人員可使我們的Web-App或流動應用程式,來獲取某一批次的產品信息,例如產品照片、認證報告,而最重要的是代表該產品質量的NIR光譜指紋圖譜,並保存在DLT/區塊鏈中,以提供產品來源信息。在消費者/零售層面,他們還可以使用Web應用程式/移動應用程式,以取得所有關於產品的信息,此外,他們還可以使用同一型號的流動NIR傳感器來驗證產品與標準品的相似度。    我們很高興達成和香港高等教育科技學院 (THEi) 的項目合作協議,有來自THEi 的學生加入我們的團隊,他們具備中醫藥行業專業知識和對創科的熱情。在我們最新的項目中,THEi 的學生幫助我們開發了中藥近紅外光譜快速鑑定(NIRSRA)的機器學習模型,以應用在我們方案內。THEi學生也有機會學習到最新的區塊鏈和電腦視覺等技術,幫助他們成為面向未來的專業人士。   
APICTA2022 Winner 大獎得主
Category 類別Senior Students 高中學生
Organization 得獎者German Swiss International School 德瑞國際學校
Product 得獎產品MRRAED: Mixed Reality Rehabilitation Activities for Elderly with Dementia 樂活「腦」友:認知障礙症長者混合現實復康活動應用
Description 產品簡介In Hong Kong, 1 in 10 elderly is suffering from cognitive impairment, including dementia – a challenge to our society from financial and medical aspects.     This project aims to design a Mixed Reality (MR) rehabilitation activities application called MRRAED that allows the elderly with dementia to simultaneously practice physical and cognitive skills via a user-friendly setting, immersive virtual environment, and customized content.     To maximize the effectiveness of the application, MRRAED integrates multiple therapy approaches to dementia treatment, including exercises and physiotherapy, multi-sensory environment therapy, and reminisce therapy.     The project team is partnering with the elderly care center to conduct usability and effectiveness tests with dementia patients. In the future, we aim to collaborate with tech companies and NGOs to provide VR headsets with the MRRAED app for free to the elderly with dementia in HK and worldwide.      Awards & Honors:  Gold Award, HKICT Award: Student Innovation 2022 Gold Award, Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022 The Best Potential Award, HK Student Science Project Competition 2022 Distinction, Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition 2022 Bronze Award, Student Innovation, Smart China Expo 2022    ​​在香港,每10名長者中就有1人患有認知障礙症——這是對我們社會在經濟和醫療方面的挑戰。​     ​​該項目旨在設計一個名為MRRAED的混合現實(MR)康復活動應用程式,該應用程式允許患有認知障礙症的長者,通過用戶友好的設置、沉浸式虛擬環境和定制內容,同時練習身體和認知技能。​     ​​為了更能發揮應用的有效性,MRRAED整合了認知障礙症治療中,常用的三種方法,包括運動和物理治療法、多感官環境治療法和回憶治療法。​     ​​項目組正與地區長者中心合作,對認知障礙症患者進行可用性和有效性測試。未來,我們的目標是與科技公司和非政府組織合作,為香港和世界各地的認知障礙症病患長者,免費提供裝有MRRAED應用程式的VR眼鏡,在家中或院社使用。  ​  ​曾獲獎項: ​● Gold Award, HKICT Award: Student Innovation 2022  ​● Gold Award, Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022  ​● The Best Potential Award, HK Student Science Project Competition 2022  ​● Distinction, Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition 2022  ​● Bronze Award, Student Innovation, Smart China Expo 2022​   
APICTA2022 Winner 大獎得主
Category 類別Tertiary Students 專上學生
Organization 得獎者The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學
Product 得獎產品Mutual Cognitive Human-Robot Collaborative Manufacturing System 基於人機互認知的人-機械人協作系統 
Description 產品簡介To address the problems of difficult customized production and insufficient robot flexibility in the on-demand manufacturing process, a cognitive Cobot control system is proposed to improve and smoothen the human-robot collaboration process.   In order to realise intelligent operations in highly refined and flexible assembly situations, we developed a set of augmented reality (AR) guided human-robot collaborative manufacturing system for customized products. It integrates virtual and realistic task planning and dynamic guidance of visual data which enhance the intelligence of robots. It also facilitates information sharing with Augmented Reality (AR) and provides human-in-the-loop control approaches in a user-friendly manner to better fuse human operators’ intelligence. AR-assisted human-robot collaborative flexible production moves towards intelligent manufacturing managed by industrial information technology, migrating algorithmic models from the field of artificial intelligence to realize the identification of customized products in complex industrial scenarios at the cost of small samples, significantly improving the efficiency of assembly in existing manufacturing models in small and medium-sized enterprises, enhancing the ability of robots to perform multi-modal tasks, freeing people from repetitive processes, and making human-robot collaboration the optimal choice for companies in the industry.    為了解決定制化生產所面對的困難和機器人靈活性不足的問題,我們提出一個基於人機互認知的機械人協作製造系統,以改善雙方的協作效率。   為了在高度精細和靈活的裝配情況下實現智能操作,我們開發了一套增強現實(AR)引導的人機協作製造系統。它集成了虛擬現實的任務規劃及視覺數據的動態引導,並增強了協作式機器人的人工智慧和AR信息共享,以用戶友好的方式提供人為監督的控制方法,從而更好地融合操作員和協作式機器人的智慧。AR輔助的人機協作彈性生產,以工業化資訊科技管理,邁向數字化的智能製造,並引進人工智能領域的算法模型,結合到複雜的工業場景中,以製作小額樣品的成本,實現個人化產品識別,並且明顯地改善目前中小企業製造模式的組裝效率,增強協作機器人執行多模式任務的能力。系統將人從重複的製造過程中解放出來,使人機協作成為行內企業的最佳選擇。   

這篇文章 香港電腦學會帶領香港代表團於 APICTA2022 獲6大獎及10優異獎 最早出現於 TechApple.com


