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The Third Wish 第三個願望

名稱:第三個願望 意念:在"一千零一夜"故事中,阿拉丁得到了神燈,只要在燈身擦一擦,燈口就會出現一串輕絲,內裡的燈神就會隨煙而出,達成主人的願望。這眼鏡的兩隻臂是兩個神燈,兩段輕煙組成了鏡框(代表兩個願望),在中間位置的四個圓球暗示燈神快要出來了。 我每天都在戴及除我的眼鏡,摩擦得最多的是眼鏡臂,從而想到這個設計。人的欲望無窮,我不是貪心之人,只要第三個願望就夠了。 Title : The Third Wish Idea : In the old middle east story “One Thousand and One Nights”, Aladdin got the Genie’s lamp and Magic Genie grants him three wishes. Two arms (End, Side and Joint) of the glasses are two magic lamps. The Lug and Rim are smoke from the lamps. Two line of smoke finally is forming cloud in the center (Bridge) and Magic Genie seems to come out. I put on and off my glasses, touch and rub the arms (End and Side) everyday. From time to time I feel there is a relationship between me and the glasses, and inspires me this design. Wants and desires could be unlimited. I am not greedy, just would like to have the Third Wish.
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