剛剛 Pokemon GO 更新了 Android 及 iOS 版本至 0.33.0 及 1.3.0,當中加入了不同的新功能。當中 iOS 中重新加入了省電的功能,相信是不少用戶所期待的吧!
- Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed. Trainers must confirm they are not driving in order to continue playing.
- Made improvements to the accuracy of a curveball throw.
- Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses.
- Fixed achievements showing incorrect Medal icons.
- Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time. Please choose your new nickname wisely.
- Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS and re-enabled the feature.
- Added visuals of Team Leaders Candela, Blanche, and Spark.
- We're currently testing a variation of the “Nearby Pokémon” feature with a subset of users. During this period you may see some variation in the nearby Pokémon UI.
- Minor text fixes
轉載請註明:文章轉載自:TechOrz 囧科技 [http://www.techorz.com/]
本文標題:Pokemon GO 今日更新至 0.33.0 (Android) 及 1.3.0 (iOS)
Source:: techorz.com