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沒有facebook的日子 (二)

今早香港時間五時許收到facebook電郵如下,戶口得以重開: "Facebook has limits in place to prevent behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. These limits restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with the specific rates that have been deemed abusive. Your account was disabled because you exceeded Facebook"s limits on multiple occasions when writing on Walls, despite having been warned to slow down. However, after reviewing your situation, we オンライン カジノ have reactivated your account, and you should now be able to log in. Please be aware that if your account is disabled again, we will not be able to reactivate it. Once logged in, please slow down the rate at which you write on Walls. We appreciate your cooperation going forward." 戶口重開,鬆一口氣,但facebook的形容,我有幾點不同意的地方: 1. 我從未由在wall寫東西收到警告,包括這次(第一次在十多個groups的wall上post)也未見過任何警告。 2. facebook講明對大量使用某些功能有限制,公道,但卻說對唔住,不能告訴你限量是什麼,這算什麼道理,極不公道!非常大陸feel! 這 個電郵是presumed guilty,完全無申訴渠道,連相關案情也不同你再講,就皇恩浩蕩放你一次,下不違例,每日不知多少用戶給他們如此對待。我知道與facebook員工 在電郵上爭辯也無用,他們也是打工而已。我也要講明至今我仍不相信facebook是有意對我登的內容查禁,問題屬於用戶權利(users rights)和公平使用(fair use),難道免費服務用戶完沒有保障?我打算繼續跟進。 我沒有facebook的日子很短,只有 不足一天,但從昨天與我分享的朋友聽來,很多人都被禁了多天、數星期,甚至過月,才得到解決,所以我真的非常幸運,要感謝所有曾經幫忙的朋友,我知道你們 發了大量的電郵爭取,也給了我很多意見,真不能一一道謝,肯定不能在你們的wall一一作post,在此說聲多謝,請見諒!
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