CPT Online 亞洲-東大會1情報   不需「跳繩」也能「跳繩」。Nintendo Switch《Jump Rope Challenge》期間限定免費下載!   《Demon’s Souls》角色建立功能和拍攝模式全面曝光   這個月也有《Nintendo Direct mini Partner Showcase》!   State of Play帶你走進《Demon’s Souls》的世界   想隨時知道任天堂的最新情報嗎?「My Nintendo」APP在日本正式上架!   東京電玩展 2020 Online節目時間表   Nintendo Switch的Joy-Con即將降價! 

超錯 VS 起錨 @ Yahoo HK

In Yahoo HK today, 超錯 is one of the top searched keywords rather than 起錨. Internet world is based on statistics which mean more people think that it is 超錯 I guess.
