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Process Hacker 2.3 免安裝版

處理程序駭客–Process Hacker,比Windows工作管理員有更多進階的功能,還是自由軟體,開啟程式之後,在某一個處理程序上按兩下,就可以進入效能監控、記憶體資訊、線程資訊…的進階功能視窗,對於程式效能的評估、病毒的研判都相當有幫助。(阿榮

系統需求:.NET Framework 2.0 以上版本

Process Hacker can terminate, suspend, resume, restart and set the priority of processes. Processes are highlighted to provide additional information such as whether they are elevated or in a job. More interesting things you can do with processes includes injecting DLLs and even replacing security tokens (XP only).

* Can add processes to jobs
* Double-clicking in the system information graphs now opens
information for the relevant process
* Setting I/O priority doesn’t need KProcessHacker anymore
* Elevation for certain actions
* HKCU key name resolution
* Network connection host resolution
* Information window resizing
* Log clearing

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