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AM-DeadLink 4.2 免安裝中文版

IE我的最愛整理工具–AM-DeadLink,支援IE、Firefox、Google Chrome、Netscape及Opera瀏覽器,如果你的「我的最愛」有上百個以上,可以使用它來檢查失效的連結,並把他們刪除。(阿榮

[2008.07.14] 對於中文用戶來說,很糟的是–它不支援Unicode,所以若要用於Firefox,可能要很麻煩的用轉換工具先匯到IE再用Firefox匯回來,否則中文會出現亂碼,目前只推薦給IE用戶使用。
[2010.02.27] 4.0 版終於支援 Unicode!Firefox 3.x 版用戶可以將書籤匯出為 HTML 再使用。增加了 Google Chrome 的支援。

AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

Version 4.2 (09-Sep-2010 )
[-] Firefox 3: Every bookmark which is tagged appeared as a duplicate in AM-DeadLink
[-] AM-DeadLink could crash during a Windows shutdown
[x] Setup: It’s no longer possible to install the portable edition over the desktop edition or vice versa
Smaller fixes/improvements

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