Digsby Build 84
科技即時傳訊多重登入軟體–Digsby,只要申請一個免費帳號,就可以用它登入AIM、MSN、Yahoo、ICQ、Google Talk、Jabber、Facebook Chat,加入郵件帳號來檢查新信,連結Facebook、Twitter、MySpace、LinkedIn等社交網站,特色:有「編輯別名」功能、可以讀取MSN群組設定、內建聊天記錄功能。(阿榮)(電腦玩物推薦)(圖)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Digsby
Instant Messaging
digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple to manage buddy list.
Email Notifications
digsby is an email notification tool that alerts you of new email and lets you perform actions such as 'Delete' or 'Report Spam' with just one click.
Social Networking
digsby is a social networking tool that alerts you of events like new messages and gives you a live Newsfeed of what your friends are up to.
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