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Universal Viewer 5.5.0 免安裝中文版


免費萬用檔案檢視器–Universal Viewer,支援Unicode,可以開啟無限大的文字檔,連4 GB以上的文字檔都支援,還支援大多數的圖檔,影片支援方面,是使用Windows Media Player核心來播放的,只支援微軟預設支援的編碼,沒啥好提的!(阿榮)(

Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer with wide range of formats supported. Implemented view modes and corresponding file formats are:

* Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: any files, of unlimited size (even 4Gb+ sizes are allowed)
* RTF, UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts
* Image: all general graphics formats: BMP JPG GIF PNG TGA TIFF... plus all formats supported by IrfanView/XnView external viewers
* Multimedia: all formats supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPG WMV MP3...
* Internet: all formats supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS...
* Plugins: all formats supported by Total Commander Lister plugins


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