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101 Media Lab is hiring

Expedia 101 Media Lab told is looking for a web developer in Hong Kong. The 101 Media Lab network includes fashion and culture based site Hypebeast.com http://ameriprojects.com/best-cannabis-seeds-bank/ , womenai??i??s fashion and trend site Popbee.com and contemporary music-based site, Hypetrak.com. With a comprehensive and expert outlook on these platforms, 101 Media Lab ltd. maintains a global audience of over 2 million different visitors each month.


  • WordPress site operation and maintenance
  • Code using primarily PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and AJAX
  • Identify performance bottlenecks in JavaScript applications
  • Follow good coding, testing and documenting practices and adhere to existing standards


  • 1-2 years relevant experience in web based application development
  • Proficient on Object-F, JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, XHTML, MySQL and CSS
  • Front-end and back-end development knowledge
  • Able to build a new site in PHP from ground up with a PHP framework
  • Object-oriented programming, principles and practice
  • Amantadine online
  • Strong problem solving and debugging skill
  • http://brainactivity.de/2018/02/15/buy-reminyl-dosage/
  • Able to work independently under a tight deadline and willing to work under pressure
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Good command of both English & Chinese
Interested? Shoot your resume to [email protected] <!ai??i??ai??i??ai??i??ai??i?? line ai??i??ai??i??ai??i??ai??i??ai??i??> Should update here more oftenai??i?? Go to Source
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