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Yahoo! JAM – JAM what?

fireshot-capture-470-yahoo-hong-kong-e99b85e8998ee9a699e6b8af-hk_yahoo_com Today I found a new link in Yahoo HK called JAM right next to BLOG. It is actually a new service called JAM from Yahoo HK. fireshot-capture-471-yahoo-jam-hk_jam_yahoo_com That is the explanation of JAM from Yahoo HK: Yahoo!Jam 是一個讓你跟朋友一起發表、交流、共建的平台,只要你們不吝嗇提供自己的意念,大量jam事件便會發生。 在Yahoo!Jam上,你不單可以隨時發佈自己的事和接收朋友更新,同時亦可以和朋友分享、交流、共建。只要你把一個簡單念頭,化成百多字以內的文字、或以相片/影片呈現,便可以立即發佈朋友。事件發佈後,朋友便來跟你共建內容,每逢有好友聚會、共同經歷、熱話秘聞,你都可以把朋友拉進來一齊 jam過夠。 My Jam -- 自己在Yahoo!Jam所有發佈和參與的大小事件。 友事件 -- 朋友發佈事件、朋友間所有搞作,通通一目了然。 Here is their tutorial link: http://hk.jam.yahoo.com/tutorial.html Here is my explanation of JAM: After reading those, I still do not get what is the point. I mean I use facebook (tagging images, building group, sharing apps), friendster, bebo, hi5, linkin or even msn. They are mature enough and what is the edge of Yahoo JAM? Maybe it is my mis-understanding as I did not explore the whole process myself. I only read the tutorial page and make me bored already. They DO need an unique selling point to classify themselves or the JAM will turn into HAM. nci_clove_ham
