今天的香港,面臨前所未見的嚴峻危機,核心價值受衝擊,謊言治港,言論和新聞自由面對收緊,洗腦國民 教育在污染我們的下一代,真正普選特首和立法會更遙遙無期!
IT 業界發展亦停滯不前,人才錯配、業界形象低落、創業者缺乏支援。我們的業界立法會代表在哪裡?
他在那裡? 他—做—過—甚—麼?
四年前我參加立法會選舉這個議席的,得到了49.56%的選票,我當時已經承諾繼續努力為市民、為業界服務。這四年來我繼續保衛資訊自 由,繼續監察政府及立法會,為香港邁向真正的民主普選繼續努力。
業界的將來、資訊的自由與及香港的前途,其實都掌握於我們的手中。為了我們的下一代,也本著良知和責任感, 我決定再一次站出來參選。
在以後的數星期,我將會向選民展示我的政綱和建議發展項目,清楚介紹我將如何與你一起攜手突破這四年困局。我希望能有機 會直接與你接觸,聽取你的意見,請直接聯絡我:[email protected]。
四年困局,一起衝破! ICT Can't Wait!
Hong Kong is facing its most daunting crisis ever – erosion of its core values, pervasive lies from the highest echelon of government, stranglehold on the freedom of expression and the media, brainwashing of our young generation by the so-called "national education," while true universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council remains uncertain.
At the same time, the development of the information and communications technology (ICT) industry is also stalled, with problems such as manpower mismatch, lack of support for entrepreneurs, and an industry that suffers from a lack of respect. Where has our Legco representative been?
Really, where has he been? What – has – he – done?
Four years ago, I received 49.56% of votes cast in this sector. After the election, I promised to continue to serve Hong Kong's citizens and the industry. In these four years, I have particularly dedicated myself to protect our information freedom, monitor the government and Legco, and fight for the democracy that we have been promised.
In these four years, more and more of my friends are saying that they have had enough, and Hong Kong and our industry must CHANGE!
The future of our industry, our freedom of information, and the very future of Hong Kong are all within our own hands. For our next generation, with a sense of conscience and responsibility, I declare my candidacy for the 2012 Legislative Council Information Technology Functional Constituency.
In the coming weeks, I will share the details of my platform and proposed areas of development to my voters, and set out clearly my vision. I look forward to an opportunity to meet and discuss with you directly and in person – please contact me at: [email protected].
"Persistence, Professionalism, Democracy" is my motto and my pledge to you. Together let us start over again, and break the impasse of these four long years.
Together let us break through from the deadlock of the last four years! ICT Can't Wait!
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