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ASOCIO ICT Summit 2008 in Hong Kong

20080315_t3a ASOCIO stands for Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization, establishment in 1984, in Tokyo, Japan. 135_tree-imgs-richardli_resized Mr. Richard Li is also one of the keynote speaker. Here is his profile - "Globalization has created even greater opportunities for the ICT industry. The forum will concentrate on commercial aspects of the industry with the ultimate aim to benefit citizens of all member countries, " said Mr. Richard Li, Chairman of PCCW, Honorary Chairman of the Organizing Committee and keynote speaker of the ASOCIO ICT Summit 2008. ASOCIO has been instrumental in linking up IT companies in its member economies. The annual ASOCIO ICT Summit is o-ne of the region's high-powered IT forums, providing platforms for government and industry to share information, develop closer relationship and, most importantly, identify new business opportunities. ASOCIO has 20 members representing Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. It has seven guest members from USA, UK, Canada, Spain, France, Russia and Kenya. ASOCIO members associations, through their own members, represent more than 10,000 IT companies in the region. Event
Event Name/Title
ASOCIO ICT Summit 2008 in Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Event Type
Conference, Exhibition and ASOCIO General Assembly
Target Audience
local & overseas
Event Criteria
Web Link
[email protected]
Special Offer
Early Bird US$ 475 (Normal $575)
Event detail: http://www.asocio.org/eventdetail.php?eventid=47


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