Revo Uninstaller Free 1.87 免安裝中文版
玩家級軟體移除工具 - Revo Uninstaller,「獵人模式」是它有別於一般程式移除工具的功能,你只要開啟「獵人模式」把「程式捷徑」拖放進去他的拖曳欄,便可以輕鬆將程式移除;另外,移除一個程式後,可以按下「解除安裝後掃瞄」,會自動幫你把一些殘留的檔案、資料夾、登錄檔找出來,讓你選擇性的刪除!最貼心的是:移除軟體時會自動幫你建立系統還原點,這對於常常玩壞作業系統,卻找不到可用還原點的人來說,是個不錯的功能。(阿榮)
[2007.11.29] 建議移除時使用「穩健」模式,會比較方便!
[2009.12.22] Revo Uninstaller Pro 是要付費的專業版,我的是 Revo Uninstaller Freeware 免費版,所以版本有所差異,請參考官方比較表。
[2010.04.16] 改謝讀者「Adam」通知改版訊息。
Revo Uninstaller helps you to remove any unwanted application installed on your computer.
With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller scans before and after you uninstall an application. After the program's regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller scans for an application's data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry items so you can delete them.
With its unique "Hunter mode", Revo Uninstaller offers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful approaches to manage (uninstall, stop, delete, disable from auto starting) and to get information about your installed and/or running applications.
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