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Network Password Recovery 1.24 中文版

netpass_01 網路密碼回復工具–Network Password Recovery,除了可以取回儲存於電腦中的MSN帳號及密碼,還支援網路遠端電腦登入密碼、Outlook 2003的郵件帳號密碼、IE 7/8密碼保護網頁。 阿榮評語: [2009.09.30] 上次更新:2008/10/20。 Which passwords this utility can recover ? * Login passwords of remote computers on your LAN. * Passwords of mail accounts on exchange server (stored by Outlook 2003) * Password of MSN Messenger / Windows Messenger accounts * Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x: passwords of password-protected Web sites ("Basic Authentication" or "Digest Access Authentication") The item name of IE7 passwords always begin with "Microsoft_WinInet" prefix. * The passwords stored by Remote Desktop 6. 改版訊息: Version 1.24: * Fixed bug: pressing the delete key in the find window deleted an item in the main window. 中文化作者:發夢 King 32位元下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:3e6bce0d7a6de2f79b4c93113b2ea7e710131810 64位元下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:285958ac06fa7f1089137412113baa2c6a9a2971 (阿榮
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