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Safari 5.0.1 中文版 (4.528.16 Beta 免安裝版)

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Safari–蘋果牌瀏覽器,其設計焦點是「瀏覽」而不是「瀏覽器」,強調超快速的網頁呈現能力,也搭載於iPhoneiPod,深受蘋果迷的喜愛,隨著瀏覽器的競爭,這款瀏覽器在Windows的「可用性」也越來越高。(阿榮 設定檔儲存路徑: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari Safari is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there’s no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You’ll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web — whether you’re exploring it from a Mac, PC, iPhone, or iPod touch. [詳細功能介紹] 安裝版下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:c2047a7712d5605f55763bc9204e1f5898a2709a 免安裝版下載連結→ [Xuite] [訊6] [sendspace] [Mediafire] SHA1:36b8ae8525639681083a47ce1b3347bf7cc8cbe0
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