刪除無法刪除的檔案 - Unlocker,有些檔案在刪除的時候,因為被檔案總管或其他應用程式給鎖定了,所以無法順利刪除,這個工具可以幫助你解除鎖定,甚至手動刪除病毒及木馬,若無法立即刪除,會自動在重新開機後刪除,也可以應用於暴力移除某些無法移除的程式。(阿榮)(圖)
[2009.10.27] 上次更新:2008/5/1。
[2010.03.23] 已於 Windows 7 x64 測試過 Unlocker 1.8.9,安裝後並無出現右鍵選單;Windows 7 x64 可以改用「LockHunter」。
[2010.07.02] 作者正式釋出 1.9.0 beta for x64 免安裝版,有 Windows 7 x64 的讀者可以測試看看。
Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows?
- Cannot delete file: Access is denied
- There has been a sharing violation.
- The source or destination file may be in use.
- The file is in use by another program or user.
- Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
Unlocker is the solution!
Unlocker 1.9.0 for 32 and 64 bit - 5/7/2010
- New feature: Complete support for 64 bit operating systems with signed driver.
- New language: Basque thanks to Beñat Antxustegi.
- New language: Galician thanks to Delio Docampo Cordeiro.
- New language: Macedonian thanks to Nikola Trencevski.
- New language: Malaysian thanks to Arjuna Puteraz.
- Improved behavior: No false positives for 32 bit version.
- Improved behavior: Handles are now sorted by process instead of appearing in random order when launching Unlocker.
- Improved UI: Locked DLL show as DLL instead of handle number.
- Improved UI: Fixed same process appearing differently depending on cases.
- Promotional feature: Fully optional eBay shortcuts, Bing or Quickstores toolbar depending on location.
免安裝版:[載點一] [載點二] [載點三]
32位元下載連結→ [FreakShare] [Xuite] [sendspace]
64位元下載連結→ [FreakShare] [Xuite] [sendspace]
Unlocker 1.9.0 中文版
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