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SpeedyFox 1.4.2 免安裝中文版 (1.4.3 英文版)

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火狐加速工具–SpeedyFox,利用最佳化Firefox設定檔資料庫的技術來提昇開啟速度,不管是安裝版或免安裝版都可以使用,只要選擇Firefox的「Profile」路徑,就可以開始執行最佳化,完成後就可以關閉,不會影響任何設定。(阿榮 免安裝版設定檔路徑: \FirefoxPortable\Data\profile 安裝版設定檔路徑: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default 阿榮評語: [2009.09.24] 阿榮以最新免安裝版測試,原本啟動需 6 秒,優化後約 5 秒,快了 1 秒,這結果應該會因你的瀏覽器歷史資料大小而異。 [2010.03.18] 感謝中文化作者「Sorl」提供中文化作品:SpeedyFox 1.4.2 免安裝中文版。 Boost Firefox in a single click with SpeedyFox absolutely for free! Mozilla Firefox is a fast browser, but with the lapse of time it starts working much slowly. The reason is fragmentation of profile databases. A free tool SpeedyFox is designed specially to resolve that problem. The method used in SpeedyFox is 100% safe for your profile (e.g. bookmars, passwords, etc), it's well documented and tested on many computers. [改版訊息] 中文化作者:Sorl 注意:此程式會被防毒軟體誤判為病毒,請自行斟酌是否下載使用! 中文版下載連結→ [Badongo] [sendspace] SHA1:851260ec292af759e9e747082b3a0a3deae3396b 英文版下載連結→ [Badongo] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:3f8bb0011240735d3fe6bbca67682877f5a619ca
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